Drainage & Waterproofing Systems

In our 42 years in business in the East Bay Area as the leading foundation expert, we help homeowners protect their investment by installing appropriate drainage and waterproofing systems. When it comes to protecting your home, French Drains and Service Drains are your first line of defense.

French Drains

The main purpose of a French drain is to drain excess water from your garden and the area around your foundation and efficiently channel away any water trapped in the ground.

Service Drains

Surface drains collect and move excess surface water away from your home in large volumes and in a short amount of time. They are frequently installed in sloped surfaces driveways or walkways to catch surplus water runoff and drain it away before it can collect and cause serious damage.

Waterproofing the foundation is an added level of protection that we provide to protect your foundation and prevent water from leaking into your crawlspace or basement